Medical Education
Corsi di formazione accreditati
FCM (Continuing medical education)
Alfa FCM is a CME Provider registered with the Health Ministry (No. 3282) and with the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME). Alfa FCM deals with the design, accreditation and organization of residential CME training events, both nationally and internationally, for a wide range of medical and paramedical professionals. The design is supervised by the Scientific Committee and is in partnership with Opinion Leaders and Scientific Societies.
Accredited by the Ministry of Health (CME)
ALFA FCM ha sviluppato una propria piattaforma di formazione a distanza conforme alle nuove regole AGENAS presso cuiè accreditata anche come Provider FAD per l'erogazione di formazione sincrona e formazione asincrona.
Rivolta a tutte le figure professionali del mondo sanitario, utilizza il modello del caso clinico riproponendo la realtà operativa quotidiana e favorendo in questo modo l’apprendimento grazie all’utilizzo di video, testi e filmati, con scenari creati ad hoc per le diverse figure professionali ed utilizzando domande a risposta multipla di tipo decisionale.
Nr. Utenti: 50 < illimitato
Possible Accreditation by the Ministry of Health (ECM)
ALFA FCM provides high tech solutions for highly interactive on line events as well. Virtual events can range from conferences, conventions, sales forces meetings, institutional events, product launches, openings, HR training, exhibitions and more. Thanks to the most ultimate Tele Presence technology, ALFA FCM grants its customers an amazing communicative experience and stunning HD videos quality.
Maximum number of users expected for each type of solution:
- Streaming: 1000/1500
- Video Conference: 200
- Webinar: 500
In addition, ALFA FCM has developed a virtual space suitable for any kind of event: this project involves the use of a pre-set space with scenographic set-up
television, video broadcast direction, LED lighting and a highly professional technical staff dedicated to every part of the event from design to realization.
ALFA FCM offers also unique personalized solutions for virtual events with 3D rendering where each visual element, content or brand (Sponsor) can be fully
Nb. Users: Unlimited
For further detail please download the brochure
Alfa FCM acts as National Secretariat for various Associations and Scientific Societies:
- IT.A.NET - Associazione Italiana per i Tumori Neuroendocrini -
- SIMMESN - Società Italiana per lo studio delle Malattie Metaboliche Ereditarie e lo Screening -
- SIMGePeD - Società Italiana Malattie Genetiche Pediatriche e Disabilità Congenite -
It also carries out the activities of Organizational Secretariat for the following Annual Meetings:
- SSIEM 2016 -
- LMHI 2019 -
Alfa FCM is a company accredited by the Health Ministry for the provision of training, as well as for planning, design and organization of Scientific Conferences, Courses and Workshops with the identification No. 3282.
- Design: design of CME training events targeting various medical and paramedical professionals under the supervision of the Scientific Committee.
- Training: training through E-learning LAB for E-Learning Courses (FAD). The platform is structured to meet the necessary requirements to obtain CME accreditation in FAD or mixed contexts.
- Clinical Cases: Alfa FCM uses a software capable of representing animated Clinical Cases, with the possibility for learners to choose the various diagnostic/therapeutic options, with interactive modes.
- Partnerships: Alfa FCM has partnerships with Opinion Leaders and Scientific Societies, with whom it designs residential and e-learning events, also preparing the related educational material.
- Organisational Secretariat and Search for Location: it assists and supports clients in finding the most suitable location and in organising the whole Congress.
- Abstract Collection and Design of the dedicated web page for registrations and information: collection of abstracts related to the CMECongress and creation of the dedicated web page for registrations and all logistical information.
- Participants and Speakers Management: contact and logistical support for all participants. Contact of speakers and related sending of all the documents useful for CME accreditation.
- Fund Raising and budget management control: the Company performs Fundraising with dedicated staff having specific professional skills.
- Printing of graphic material and forms: design and printing of graphics for material (program, posters, rollups, etc.). Preparation and printing of all forms for CME credits.
- Scientific Societies and Associations
Alfa FCM acts as National Secretariat for:
- NESA - New Europen Surgery Academy
- SIMMESN - Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Malattie Metaboliche Ereditarie e lo Screening Neonatale
- SIMGePeD - Società Italiana Malattie Genetiche Pediatriche e Disabilità
- IT.A.NET - Associazione Italiana Tumori Neuroendocrini
Alfa FCM also cooperates with:
- ACOI - Associazione Chirurghi Ospedalieri Italiani
- ANMCO - Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri
- CONI – Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano
- FIAMO - Federazione Italiana Associazioni e Medici Omeopati
- IBSA – International Breast Surgery Association
- Med-Ex - Medicine & Exercise
- SIC - Società Italiana di Chirurgia
- SIKMO - Società Italiana di Kinesiologia Medica e Odontoiatrica
- SIP Sport - Società Italiana di Pneumologia dello Sport
A fully dedicated team and all-around networking service designed to making the client's goals attractive to the media and capable of creating exclusive visibility for the event. Definition of a specific communication strategy and timely actions designed to reaching the goals identified.Backstage, conference signage, totems and panels of various types and sizes are the most frequently items used. Thanks to the best professionals in the sector, Alfa FCM is capable of creating and building high-quality scenic locations offering a wide range of products and services,by using different types of materials and technologies. Alfa FCM’s services also include the creation of the event graphics image, starting from the study and design of naming and brand/logotype to the most diverse applications of the graphics standards identified (corporate identity, catalogues, brochures, personalized material, advertising, signage, etc.).
Alfa FCM can meet any request, including audio and amplification systems; plasma screens, closed circuit video projection and video shooting; audio/video recordings; live direction; satellite transmission teams; simultaneous translation systems.
The services are provided both within the organization of a Congress/event and for individual clientsor companies. Translations, including sworn ones, are provided from and into all languages (EU, Scandinavian, Slavic, Arabic and Oriental languages).
Transcriptions from cassettes, tapes, CDs and audio files ensure the highest standards of professionalism to our clients. Consecutive or simultaneous interpreting services from and into all languages are provided by selected teams of interpreters belonging to the best associations in the sector (AIIC, Assointerpreti).
ALFA FCM has a constantly updated database of contacts in various sectors (by way of example, but not limited to: institutions and politics; civil society; public life and/or Rome’s business world; large companies).
Alfa FCM offers an all-around networking service designed to making the client's goals attractive to the media and capable of creating exclusive visibility for the event, by defining a specific communication strategy and timely actions designed to reaching the goals identified.